
Hello, my name is

Austin Hood

I make software for the web.

I am a Software Engineer with a love for web projects, and a recent graduate in Software Engineering. My passion lies in crafting impactful web applications to better the lives of others. Currently I am focused on working on my craft and finding new, exciting opportunites to grow as an engineer.

00. About

Hello! My name is Austin and I love to create things I can share with everybody on the web. I started in web development my sophmore year of school at Florida Gulf Coast University. It started with just simple CSS designs and eventually has blossomed into comprehensive full-stack applications that can benefit individuals from around the world.
Right now, I am looking for new and exciting opportunities to grow as an engineer, recently this has been building both professional and personal software. When I am not studying new frameworks and design principals, I am working at my internship Mental Health & You, on a freelancing project, The Social Market, or any of my personal projects. I strive to create software that can make an impact, from things as small as designing characters for a Dungeons and Dragons campaign, to connecting patients to couselors with an online web applcation.
Here are some of the technologies I have been working with:
  • Next.JS
  • React
  • Tailwind
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Python
  • AWS
  • Vercel
  • tRPC
cloud practitioner
01. Projects

The Social Market

This is a showcase website designed to captivate stakeholders and spark intrigue for a novel social networking site, "The Social Market". Constructed with Next.js, TailwindCSS, and an animation library, all hosted on Vercel. This project was crafted as a professional freelancing endeavor to meet the precise needs of my client.

Mental Health & You

This platform is built leveraging advanced technologies: Next.js, TailwindCSS, and specialized animation libraries. Rather than just designing, my primary responsibility was implementing the user interface according to a provided UI mockup. For a dependable and efficient user experience, we've hosted the platform on AWS Amplify. During my internship, I played a pivotal role in developing the Patient-Counselor Connection Platform, a web-based solution designed to seamlessly link patients with counselors.


Centz is a modern crypto tracking web application, designed to provide users with a pulse on the latest trends in the cryptocurrency market. Created with a React front-end and a Flask back-end, it employs a decoupled architecture for flexibility and error protection. To ensure a seamless user experience, Centz is hosted on Heroku, powered by Gunicorn.
03. Blog Posts

tRPC w/ Next.JS

Dive into a comprehensive guide on utilizing tRPC for full-stack type safety. I've distilled the documentation to its essence, making tRPC more approachable and user-friendly for developers.

tsParticles w/ React

Discover a streamlined guide to seamlessly integrate the tsParticles library with React, ensuring it coexists harmoniously with other page elements. This resource addresses and resolves many initial challenges I faced when delving into the library.

Dalle w/ Next.js

I've crafted a guide detailing my journey with the Dalle API, focusing on effective and secure usage. This guide is designed to assist developers in harnessing the power of AI through REST APIs while emphasizing the importance of .env files to guard their API keys.
02. Contact

I am always open to new inquiries and check my inbox daily. If you have any questions or would like to see any of my other projects, please use the links below. I would love to hear from you and I will do my best to get back to you in a timely manner.